
BIOENERGY – definition RS 2022-02-25

SE  Klara definitioner behövs för att öka kunskap hos medborgare.
Lagen uttrycks med ord, och dessa ord måste användas med precision. Detta förklarar varför Black’s Law Dictionary är den mest citerade lagboken i världen. … En annan anledning till att definitioner är viktiga är att vissa definitioner liknar regler, eftersom de faktiskt förkroppsligar lagen.
EN Clear definitions are needed to increase knowledge of citizens.
The law is expressed in words, and those words need to be used with precision. This explains why Black’s Law Dictionary is the most widely cited law book in the world. … Another reason that definitions are important is that some definitions are akin to rules, in that they actually embody the law.  
CS Pro zvýšení znalostí občanů jsou zapotřebí jasné definice.

2017-06-05 Invitation to designing GLOBAL DEFINITIONS
Definitions of terms biomass and bioenergy RS 

Bio-  from the Greek means life

Biomass – general: total amount or weight of living organisms in an area or volume.
Example: plants, animals and birds per hectare of forest / field  or worms, microorganisms and roots in a cubic meter of soil.

Bioenergy is ”energy of life” and must be defined as solar radiation energy transformed during photosynthesis and stored in plants (primary producers according to ecology) using at least 16 chemical elements. The elements H, C, O, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cl, Fe, B, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo are considered essential ( to the growth and development of the plants. In addition to the above-mentioned essential chemical elements are considered several stimulating chemical elements (Co, Cr, Ni, V, Sn, Li, F, Se, Si).
Bioenergy is always bound to above mentioned chemical elements. Most of them are called plant nutrients. Therefore, in each use of bioenergy, we must consider both energy and flows of these elements.
Bioenergy from plant biomass is used as biofuel in food to humans, in feed to animals and in the wood as substrate to different organisms. Then during the food chains appear bioenergy in residues and in waste that comes from the plant and animal kingdom.

By efficiently / smarter exploit bioenergy and plant nutrients throughout society, we can contribute to more solar energy captured in plantations – energy smart cultivation.

Biogas definition – proposal that can be improved by experts (2012)
Biogas definition -proposal RS 2012

Organic matter – every composite substance containing the element carbon (C) as a main component, it can be solid, liquid or gas and come in three types:
a) Renewable Organic Material (ROM) – renewed within the time frame about 1000 years (trees), including living and more or less actively traded organisms and their organic structures (for example, microorganisms in the litter on the ground or in the stool), but also materials that are processed plants and animals (such as paper, wood products, leather and leather products, plastics from starch, and the organisms’ excretions such as urine, feces, ethanol, methane); in Sweden belongs here also peat;
b) Synthetic Organic Material (SOM) – made of man either renewable or fossil raw materials (eg chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, lubricants, detergents, disinfectants, cosmetics);
c) Fossil Organic Material (FOM) – older than 1000 years (coal, crude oil, natural gas).

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