NOTE! 2022-07-18 Clarification of our project, and what information we need.
SBRS concept and three questions-To Europe Direct Contact Center-370277-RS-BS
2020-11-11 The 12 November Water Day is part of the 9-19 November Race to Zero November Dialogues.
Protect water – do not shit in water-RS
2020-10-21 Comments on Virtual Event – The political economy of COVID-19: Impacts on agriculture and food policies OCT 22, 2020 – 08:30 AM TO 10:00 AM EDT
Degrade or upgrade our living environment -RS
How U.S. sewage plants can remove medicines from wastewater
Why dirty water with waste when we should protect water?
It will be more sustainable – ecologically, economically and socially – to introduce collection devices for hygienically and without emissions transporting food waste and human waste to local high-tech biogas plants and, with the help of microorganisms, convert most of the renewable organic materials contained in the waste into biogas and bio fertilizers.
No remnants of medicine need to get to the rivers and seas. However, in bioreactors many can be decomposed and the process then continues in the ground.
In water, fish and other organisms that we use as food are affected by medecines.
When medecin residues are affected by the microorganisms in the bioreactor and then with bio-fertilizer is applied to the soil how much can the roots of the plants absorb? Who can answer this?
Is composting a sustainable method?
Of 100 kg of raw material is converted to about 30 kg of compost of uncertain quality. Can we afford to lose 70% of raw material? It releases energy such as carbon dioxide and water but also nitrogen, sulfur and some other substances into the air and leachate. Pollutants are costly losses. Therefore, growers must buy agrochemicals.
If we use the same raw material in local high-tech plants, we can get both biogas and bio-fertilizer and maintain the soil fertility.
Unfortunately, these biogas plants for about 500 – 3000 inhabitants are only found in my vision at
Is biochar production a sustainable method?
What happens to microorganisms? How is biodiversity affected?
What happens to plant nutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cl, Fe, B, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo – which should be returned to cultivated lands – during the pyrolysis presented at https: // biochar-international. org / biochar-technology /.
All thermal processes are life-threatening and create contaminants that are costly losses.
If we use renewable organic material in local high-tech plants where microorganisms convert raw material into biogas and bio-fertilizers and then maintain the soil fertility that is destroyed by today’s systems for management of waste and wastewater, we can achieve energy efficiency, better quality of food, new green jobs, etc.
“Sustainable Biological Recycling System” will positively impact 10 of 17 SDGs directly and others indirectly.
Unfortunately, local biogas plants for about 500 – 3000 inhabitants can only be found in my vision at
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Anaerobic Digestion Industry – Popular Trends & Technological advancements to Watch Out for Near Future 2024
ENG Why are waterborne systems prioritized? With water content optimized for microorganisms, which is around 70%, bioreactors can be smaller and thus cheaper. Instead, organic material that burns should be ground and mixed with wet material. Water should not be used as a means of transport! Water is unnecessarily polluted.
SE Varför prioriteras vattenburna system? Med vattenhalt optimerad till mikroorganismer som ligger på omkring 70 % kan bioreaktorer vara mindre och därmed billigare. organiskt material som förbränns borde i stället malas och blandas med blöta material. Vatten ska inte användas son transportmedel! Vatten förorenas i onödan.
Correct Water Treatment for Waste-to-Energy & CHP Plants, District Heating
ENG There is no methane fermentation present on presentation: ”The generation of district heating technologies since inception. The 4th generation operates with much lower temperature and significantly increased energy efficiency. (Source: Danfoss).”
Incineration and combustion of organic materials is unsustainable. Water pollution can be reduced and costs for wastewater treatment also by prohibiting water toilets and introducing CC-BAS that means collection toilets. With these urine, stools and toilet paper are delivered hygienically – such as sealed packages – without losses which cause pollution, to biogas plants, where they are mixed with ground dry organic materials, to produce biogas and biofertilizers. Biogas transforms into electricity and heat/cold. Biofertilizers return plant nutrients to cultivated fields.
SE Det saknas metan fermentation på presentation: ”The generations of district heating technologies since inception. The 4th generation operates with much lower temperature and significantly increased energy efficiency. (Source: Danfoss).”
Sopförbränning och förbränning av organiskt material är ohållbar. Förorening av vatten kan minska och kostnader för rening av avloppsvatten likaså genom att förbjuda vattentoaletter och införa insamling toaletter CC-BAS. Med dessa kommer urin, avföring och toalettpapper levereras hygieniskt – såsom förseglade paket – utan förluster som orsakar föroreningar, till biogasanläggningar, där det blandas med malda torra organiska material, för framställning av biogas och biogödsel. Biogas omvandlas till el och värme/kyla. Med biogödseln återförs växtnäring till odlingar.